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Profs Wang and Liu attended Ausrock 2018

作者: 时间:2019/3/22 16:40:28 【打印此页】关闭】

From Nov 29th to Dec 5th, Profs Wang Shuren and Liu Xiliang attended the 4th Australiasian Ground Control in Mining Conference 2018 in Sydney and visted Monashi University in Melbourne.
During the conference, Prof Wang co-chaired the conference and Profs Wang and Liu made the full academic discussions and exchanges with the participants. In the Monashi University, Profs Wang and Liu visited the laboratory and some scholars. Which played a positive role in strengthening the key discipline of civil engineering in Henan Polytechnic University.

版权所有 河南理工大学地下工程与灾变防控重点实验室 中国 河南焦作 高新区 世纪路2001号 [454000]